Friday, September 21, 2012

The prodigal Son

This story connects with me on a personal level. That being because I myself have a brother. This story from the bible is very inspirational because I see the things u can learn thru the bible. I am Catholic and do go to mass and know some things that are in the bible because of people telling me, but I have never really physically read the bible in depth. This story showed the morals you can acquire thru the bible and actually makes me want to read the bible more often. In this story it shows a father and his two sons in a wealthy family. Half of the money is going to each of the siblings. One sibling is faithful and loyal to his father and continues to work although inheriting all this money. The other brother wastes all his money doing things that might b considered sins. Although he does sinful thing with his wealth, he returns because he is now poor and his father accepts him no matter what the negative things he did. I compare this to Jesus probably saying that although we as Gods children may sin; he will always be our father and will accept us after repenting/saying sorry.

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