Thursday, September 27, 2012


I love cities, views and the history behind the city and its culture. I've been in Miami my whole life except for roadtrips that stretch all the way until New York. I've read about all these amazing cities in the U.S from L.A, to Dallas etc. New York might have skyscrapers, L.A might have the stars and Hollywood but in my opinion nothing is like Miami. In my honest opinion, Miami is the best city in the United States. Miami has the amazing nature of course with the warm climate all year around and amazing beaches. We also have beutiful women and skyscrapers by the beach. Another thing that makes my city so great is the diversity of different people and cultures. The history in Miami is incredible and I found it real cool that we can see through pictures how our city has changed through the internet. Miami is a great city, and the people that live here need to stop taking such a great city for granted.

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