Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My First Week

Dear Readers,

                This past week was the first week of many and the opening of a new chapter in my life. My first week at Miami Dade was as smooth as it could have been. I saw a lot of my friends from high school again so that made me really comfortable. School at the Honors College leaves a lot of free time. With this free time I need to be careful and use my time wisely in studying because of the quantity of work some teachers ask for, but  also allowing myself to vent by doing things that I like for example playing basketball. During my first week I realized the freedom that comes with going to college. It’s a 180 degree turn from how it was in high school. We are allowed to do practically anything we want and go wherever we want; while in high schools it was almost like being caged in. My first week was very good and I am excited to see what comes next in my college life.


“As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.”  - Donald Trump

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