Saturday, September 29, 2012


The iPhone 5 is a waste of money. Its overpriced and does a lot of the same things as the IPhone 4. People need to stop trying to fit in, and buy the new technology, just because it IS the new technology. The Samsung Galaxy 3 is a bigger phone and is better in almost every way from what I have read and its a lot cheaper. That’s one of the things I hate the most, some people just get things because that’s what everyone is getting, or wearing etc. Those people are what I call followers. They ruin a lot of good things for consumers. They overuse and ruin the good things on the market and it makes it unbearable for people that actually buy it because of a sincere interest. This is what causes “hipsters” and then people talk bad about them. The real problem is the followers that get whatever is hot just to fit in with the majority.

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