Sunday, September 9, 2012

Football Season has begun!

Football season has finally come around and this is probably one of the most exciting days for Americans all over. Football is a sport that unites us as people through camaraderie. Fans of the same team rejoice as if they were family because they share a common goal, a common love to the sport and to the hope of a successful season hopefully ending with a super bowl victory. Although I live in Miami, my favorite team is the San Francisco 49ers. It started off as a little kid just liking the team colors, to now just being an overall love of the organization. The Dolphins are garbage. I root for them only because I'm from Miami, not because of any other season. They make stupid decisions, and seem uninterested with winning along with the Marlins. Thank God for the Heat and Pat Riley because if it weren’t for them this city would be one the worst sport cities in America along with Cleveland. Nevertheless this is an exciting period of time for Americans and we look forward to seeing what our team’s can accomplish this year.

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