Monday, September 17, 2012

Barrack vs Romney

Who is going to be the president next year? That's a question everyone wants to know. I am very confused about who to vote for. On one hand Obama is one of the most charismatic speakers ever. He speaks of great ideas but so far there hasn't been a big change. Its not his fault though because he inherited a debt. But Romney on the other hand knows how to make money. This guy is street smart and knows what to do to make money because he's rich so being the president isn't going to help him financially so he's probably doing this because he cares about the economy. I think I'm leaning towards Romney also because I don't agree with some of Barracks morals. He's pro-choice and I don't agree with that because you can be taking a life through abortion. If I vote its probably going to be for Romney just because of his morals and that he would be bringing something new to the table. We'll see who gets elected, hopefully this country can be the powerhouse it once was.

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