Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My inspiration: Success

I want to be successful in my life. There are many different ways of defining success and happiness. What I learned from my dad is that if you try your hardest and you’re well prepared you shouldn’t be nervous of negative results because you know you gave it your all. Another thing I learned is that the real happy people, the real rich are those that no matter what they are happy with what they have. What’s the point of being a millionaire if you have no friends, and your arrogance brushes people away? “As long as you’re happy with what you have, and work as hard as you can, and affect people in positive ways, then that’s when you are really successful”- My dad. Although I understand that, and I live my life to that principle and just always smile and not look at things too serious and affect the people around me positive. I want to be successful so bad, and make money to affect my family in a better way and have them stop working as hard and enjoy life more. My vision that I’ve had for years of me being successful is kind of movie like. I’ve visualized myself with a champagne bottle in my right hand, cigar on my left, staring into the Miami Skyline from an apartment balcony on one of the highest buildings by the beach, and my family and friends right behind just staring out the window and just reminiscing on from where we came from. I know I can do this, and even if I don’t, I’ll be happy because I’ll know I gave it my all.

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