Friday, September 28, 2012


The movie Scarface with Al Pacino is a movie that everyone with aspirations should watch. This movie is in my opinion the greatest movie ever made because of the "rags to riches" theme to it. A Cuban refugee arrives through "El Mariel" boat lift which alot of prisoners from Cuba were brought over. Tony Montana, who goes by the alias of Scarface (because of the scar on his face), works his way up the crime and drug dealing ladder through respect, loyalty, and honesty. This movie is ver inspirational because it has alot of morals to it and it shows that anyone has a chance to lie "The American Dream". Tony Montanas drug dealing ways catch up to him when he begins to abuse the thing that made him rich: Cocaine. This movie shows that although you may be extremely rich you will not be happy if you dont have your loved ones around you. Tony Montana's mom is neglective of her son because she knows that he gets his money in bad ways. In the end Scarface dies of gunshot wounds and the screen goes to a quote seen throught the movie"The World Is Yours", meaning you can accomplish anything no matter where you start off. This movie came out in 1983 but is a must see. I have seen it numerous times and it continues to amaze me.

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