Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Jay-z is the greatest rapper alive. If you argue with that by saying Lil Wayne you are missing a screw in your brain. Jay z has influenced so many people through his lyrics. I hate it when people compare Lil Wayne and say he’s better. They are not even in the same category. Jay-z is head, shoulders, and body above Lil Wayne lyrically and as an overall artist that has the power to influence people. People always argue that Lil Wayne is better just because he’s always on the radio, or because his albums always sell the most. His albums sell the most because there is no lyrical content in the album it’s just beats and a loud bass pulled together through lines that make no sense but that people find cool. I blame this lot on my generation because we grew up listening to Lil Wayne and we are the ones buying his albums. Lil Wayne’s fans consist of teenagers that don’t care about what they are listening to. These are the same ones that listen to Woka Flocka Flame and think him s good. Jay-z needs to get respected more as an artist because of his influence through his lyrics. Lil Wayne is only contributing to more violence because al he talks about is being a blood and shooting people among many other negative things. Listen to HOV not Lil Wayne!

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