Sunday, September 30, 2012

NFL refs are back

Probably the biggest news in sports in a while... the NFL refs are back. No more bad calls stealing your favorite teams win and dimming the chances of a playoff run. The official refs were locked out because of a contact dispute with the NFL over money. The NFL tried to act as if they did not need the refs and place new "replacement" refs to referee the game. These replacements made bogus calls that cost a lot of people money, and cheated teams of their victory as we saw last Monday in the Seattle-Green Bay game. The NFL finally gave up and gave the refs the money they wanted after seeing the embarrassing calls made by the replacements, and the damage they were doing to the NFL and its fans. Thank God, we finally got the REAL refs back out there and there won’t be as many embarrassing and inaccurate calls made.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


The iPhone 5 is a waste of money. Its overpriced and does a lot of the same things as the IPhone 4. People need to stop trying to fit in, and buy the new technology, just because it IS the new technology. The Samsung Galaxy 3 is a bigger phone and is better in almost every way from what I have read and its a lot cheaper. That’s one of the things I hate the most, some people just get things because that’s what everyone is getting, or wearing etc. Those people are what I call followers. They ruin a lot of good things for consumers. They overuse and ruin the good things on the market and it makes it unbearable for people that actually buy it because of a sincere interest. This is what causes “hipsters” and then people talk bad about them. The real problem is the followers that get whatever is hot just to fit in with the majority.

Friday, September 28, 2012


The movie Scarface with Al Pacino is a movie that everyone with aspirations should watch. This movie is in my opinion the greatest movie ever made because of the "rags to riches" theme to it. A Cuban refugee arrives through "El Mariel" boat lift which alot of prisoners from Cuba were brought over. Tony Montana, who goes by the alias of Scarface (because of the scar on his face), works his way up the crime and drug dealing ladder through respect, loyalty, and honesty. This movie is ver inspirational because it has alot of morals to it and it shows that anyone has a chance to lie "The American Dream". Tony Montanas drug dealing ways catch up to him when he begins to abuse the thing that made him rich: Cocaine. This movie shows that although you may be extremely rich you will not be happy if you dont have your loved ones around you. Tony Montana's mom is neglective of her son because she knows that he gets his money in bad ways. In the end Scarface dies of gunshot wounds and the screen goes to a quote seen throught the movie"The World Is Yours", meaning you can accomplish anything no matter where you start off. This movie came out in 1983 but is a must see. I have seen it numerous times and it continues to amaze me.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I love cities, views and the history behind the city and its culture. I've been in Miami my whole life except for roadtrips that stretch all the way until New York. I've read about all these amazing cities in the U.S from L.A, to Dallas etc. New York might have skyscrapers, L.A might have the stars and Hollywood but in my opinion nothing is like Miami. In my honest opinion, Miami is the best city in the United States. Miami has the amazing nature of course with the warm climate all year around and amazing beaches. We also have beutiful women and skyscrapers by the beach. Another thing that makes my city so great is the diversity of different people and cultures. The history in Miami is incredible and I found it real cool that we can see through pictures how our city has changed through the internet. Miami is a great city, and the people that live here need to stop taking such a great city for granted.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Sports helps unite people all races. Some people don’t realize what sports can actually do people, and how it helps us socialize and understand how to help one another. Some parents say sports are a waste of time because the chances of their child actually making it professionally are slim but that’s not the point. Being on a team can help all type of kids. For those kids in single parent households, a team can provide an escape and be the family that kid needs. It can also humble those kids that have everything because it can show that although you may have more money it does not mean you are better than anyone else. Being in a sports team builds camaraderie and helps kids socialize and learn how to meet new people at a young age and that helps them as they grow so they can be charismatic and be a successful person in their community.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I am tired of the term "swag". I am permanently trying to delete it from my vocabulary. I realized the other day that the term "swag" is just a word or excuse to call another man cute for what he is wearing and that is not a good thing unless you are….. Also, that word is overused and is becoming annoying. Just like the phrase "oh that's live", they have to go. They r just insanely stupid to use in real conversations as an educated person. I'll admit that even I say them, but only I'm with my friends and we are just hanging out. These phrases are NOT for formal use.

Monday, September 24, 2012


I read the story Samuel by Grace Paley recently and I learned something important about mothers. This story is about a group of kids in New York playing in the dangerous area between subway cars. Samuel gets warned to get out of there and to stop playing with his friends in a dangerous manner. Then finally a man grabs the emergency lever and pulls it making Samuel, who had let go of the rail to hit his friend, fall off the subway and land on his head resulting in his death. Then it is shown that Samuels' mother has another kid. After looking at the kid she realized that no matter how many kids she can have, never will there be another one like Samuel. This shows the uniqueness that we all have as individuals and it also shows the bond between a child and his/her mother.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


My Granma is awesome. She practically raised me, my brother, and my three younger cousins. She still hustles for us even though the money isn't much. Every day she cooks for eleven people because my mom and aunt don't cook. So it’s the four in my family, the five in my aunts and my Granma and grandpa. That’s eleven. That is one of the big reasons I respect and try to be extremely nice because I know how hard she works every day. My whole family would be crumbling if it wasn't for her. I thank God I was blessed with hardworking and loving family especially my grandmother.