Sunday, October 7, 2012

Jose Alvarez

Jose Alvarez is William Alvarez twin brother. William can be precisely compared to Thor, while Jose is alot more like Loki. Jose Alvarez is slightly more feminie and choose to paint his nails a in very fluorescent colors like neon pink. his favorite color is perfushia. He choose to write his essays for English in an “artsy” manner. The other day he was wearing a colorful shirt in which he was contemplating of taking off his shirt in the middle pf the lounge because he was offered $3 for it. William is favored more in the family royalty and was even given his own boat. On the other hand Jose got a raft to use instead of a yatcht because his father said his arms were a bit fragile. We’ss see how this royal family develops over the years and how this sibling rivalry develops.

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