Monday, October 1, 2012

Different Environment

The honors college has showed me the many different things that u can notice about where u come from. Most of these kids in honors program are from Coral Park, Gables, and Belen etc. My friends and I are from Miami High and we've seen things by the time we we're 10 most don’t see until they r in college.  I was raised mainly in my grandma’s house for the first 8yrs of my life because my parents we're always working. I saw coke went I was 8 year old and there we're a handful of murders around my grandma’s block that taught me a lot at a young age. Also, the slang in which I and my friends speak is almost unheard of by most kids in the honors college. It makes me feel like I don't belong sometimes because all of these kids use big words, and are extremely friendly. I like this, but it has taken us some getting used to. In Miami high most kids are trying to be "hard" so it is harder for people to be friendly because it looks like everyone is mean mugging at you. I'm glad that my surroundings have changed because this will help me in my adult life because to be honest no one is going to respect a 25yr old telling people "yo bruh".

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