Sunday, October 28, 2012


NBA season is going to start this week with the Heat playing the Celtics. The 6months of waiting are over and I couldn’t be happier. I like football and baseball but basketball just fulfills me. I love watching and playing it. Now there is always something to watch on TV instead of having to wait for South Park or for Sunday NFL football. I just have to stay focused on my school work because I tend to get distracted easily when I think about basketball. I think I’ll be able to. I have matured a lot from last year mentally and my patience has grown so I think I’ll be able to pull it off.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I love playing rugby. It’s a real man’s game. No pads or helmets this game is dangerous. But I lied. This game is so stupid it’s not even funny. At least in football you have some type of protection. Rugby is a lot like football but without pads. It is a concussion waiting to happen. I wouldn’t play that game for a couple of reasons. First I’m too skinny and second ill probably get mad because I’m too skinny to tackle and I might just pull my heater and pop a couple. Ya-kno-ah-mean-patnah?

Monday, October 22, 2012

GOOD kid MAAD city

Kendrick Lamar’s album “Good Kid, M.a.a.d City” is an instant classic. A breath of fresh air. It is amazing. It’s not even an album it’s a shot film for your ears. Every song rides smooth and is part of his story. Kendrick Lamar, J Cole, and Meek Mill are the only rapper consistently coming out with legitimate music right now. Kendrick Lamar might be the best out the three. After listening to this album I can’t listen to rap in the same way I used to. Everything is just not up to par material wise. This goes to show the stupidity of people. A million People go buy a garbage Lil Wayne album while a legit rapper like Lamar is ten times better yet he’ll sell five times less. Oh well…. Politics as usual like H.O.V.A always says.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Just made my appointment to get my new classes in the Honors College of Miami Dade. My first semester has gone pretty good, although t could be better. I’ve been able to achieve a lot of things that I thought I couldn’t. I’ve actually studied and seen positive results. I never thought studying would help as much as it did; but I’m happy it’s working for me; I just pray I can keep going and do a lot better going forward. I’m trying to chase greatness, unexpected amazing results is what I aim for because that’ll make the movie they are going to make about me, THAT much better.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Prof. U

Probably Prof. U the most because he is one funny dude. He reminds me a lot of Peter Griffin in the way he talks and what his jokes. This guy could no lie be a comedian if he wanted to, or maybe an actor like overrated Charlie Sheen. It’s funny how he gets sidetracked so easy and he end up delaying everything class back. He YouTube’s and googles everything. It’s almost like a kid that just found out about the internet an googles everything he sees. Prof U is a cool dude and I wish we could have him again in the winter semester.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mean Mugging

I need to stop mean mugging people self consciously. Mean Mugging is when someone gives you a hard look. I tend to do this without even knowing and I think it intimidates people or it makes them think I’m mean which couldn’t be further from the truth. My cousins always tell me that when I’m quiet it looks like I am mad, and I always thought I was crazy. Recently it was one of my friend’s birthdays and someone recorded a video and I saw what I looked like.. I looked really mad. That’s something I need to try and correct because I don’t want people to shy away from me just because I give a hard look.