Saturday, November 10, 2012

Riff Raff

Riff Raff is an amazing rapper. He exemplifies what the white trash lifestyle is all about. His lyrics are subpar at most and has an awkward beard but that’s what the white trash life is all bout bro! Let’s not even talk about his drug habits and how he probably snorts like 2 keys of coke every day. He is a lyrical genius! No, but all joking aside he goes to show how stupid America is getting, that someone would actually consider Riff Raff a talented rapper. It’s outright despicable. I rather watch a cow eat grass bro, it’s that bad.

Friday, November 9, 2012

I LOVE....

I just want to make a quick blog about Taco Bell. Taco Bell is so legit it’s not even funny. If you know me, you know I am infatuated with anything that has to do with chicken. At first I thought Taco Bell was whack; that was until they introduced me to my love and future wife….. The chicken quesadilla. OMFG it is a must get. I usually don’t like Mexican food in particular, but they hit it out of the park with the chicken quesadilla. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about going out to get my love, my dear. The emotions I have for her are amazing. The taste she leaves in my mouth is outstanding. I think I’m in love……………

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Blogging is a great way to express yourself; it’s almost like a therapy technique. I put my feelings and opinions on here and I feel as if I can get a lot of things off my chest. It’s a great feeling when you know your opinion can be read through the internet by anyone. Like, yo, I have fans in Russia and in Cuba. There barely any computers in Cuba so that’s probably hoe-ahhhh Fidel Castro following my blogs. The point I’m trying to make is that I’m a world renowned blogger and that I’m a beast blogger. I might get a Pulitzer for this dude. I’m not even kidding.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama won

Obama was victorious as I predicted because of all his followers. Once again this shows how strong the celebrities influence people. Obama destroyed Romney but I honestly think there were A LOT of uneducated comrades that voted. Just wait until they realize Obama Is a socialist and this country is in the process of becoming a communist nation. Oh well…. Kudos to Obama for winning. I honestly just want to see the situation we are in get better regardless of who’s president. I just hope Obama doesn’t ruin everything thus making it worse.  I would also like a job after college so….. Obama you better come through boy.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I hope you voted

Elections were today and it seems like Romney is winning for now but Obama is making a strong push. I couldn’t even vote because I decided to take a little nap and it ended up being a 6 hr nap and I woke up at eight pm. I couldn’t vote but hopefully America picked the right person to turn this country around for the better. Now it’s basically a waiting game until late tonight when they show the results of who won this election. A lot of people are supporting Obama but I could care less; I just hope Romney wins. I want REAL change.